
February 05, 2012

Getting Rid Of Anxiety

By Kerry Simers

A real or imagined threat could bring a feeling of panic and fear referred to as anxiety. Stress and anxiety is a reaction to stress which is felt by every person. However, it can cause anxiety attacks when it is getting persistent and impacts your capability to operate. Some tips on how to stop anxiety effectively are outlined below.

Prevent anxiety by getting rid of the “worry habit”.

Everyone is typically taught to stress every time they grow to be aware of their environment. Whenever people give advices such as "Become successful", "Don't fail", and "Start thinking about the future", they're essentially instructing us how to worry. The worrying habit then gets so ingrained that it people see it as necessary to daily living. However, you will not get anything from worrying. Clear thinking and the ability to make rational decisions are prevented because of the imagined threats that come with it. Real threats can be faced with an optimistic and open mind if one gets rid of the habit of worrying.

Identify the triggers and learn how to solve them.

Learning how to identify the triggers of your anxiety is important. A person should focus on evaluating facts and solving problems rather than worrying.

When solving problems, ask yourself the following questions: Is the problem a real or imagined one? Is there any sense in the problem if it was an imagined one? What is the probability of it happening? Can you control or prepare for it?

These questions can help a person identify actual problems and solutions to solve them. An example of a concrete problem is how to get money in order to pay the bills. Scrimping and getting an extra job are some possible solutions to this problem. An imaginary problem should come with doubt or uncertainty. It is better to live in the present rather than worry about an uncertain future.

Do relaxation exercises.

One good way of stopping anxiety is through relaxation exercises. Different people require different techniques.

Deep breathing: To perform this exercise, simply breathe deeply from your abdomen rather than your chest. You can position yourself comfortably when performing this exercise. Make sure that your back is straight. Put a hand on your stomach. When you inhale and exhale, your hand should rise and fall. On your chest, place your other hand. While breathing, its movement should be minimal. When inhaling, breathe in through the nose and breathe out through the mouth when exhaling.

Meditation: Meditation does not only relieve anxiety; it also reduces stress. When practicing meditation as a way of stopping anxiety, one should keep in mind that it is optimized when it is done in a quiet environment, with a comfortable position, the presence of a focal point, and a non-distracted attitude. Preferably, the environment is secluded without any sources of interruptions. A comfortable position involves sitting in a lotus or cross-legged position. It is important that one does not sleep during meditation. A focal point may be internal, whereupon one could close his or her eyes. If the focal point is external, then meditation could be done with open eyes.

Yoga and Tai Chi: Yoga is a meditation technique that involves deep breathing and positioning. Yoga has additional benefits of improving balance, strength, and stamina. Tai chi is also a meditation technique but it is rooted in martial arts. It consists of slow body movements and breathing techniques to calm the mind and condition the body.

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